persistence - significado y definición. Qué es persistence
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Qué (quién) es persistence - definición

Persistence (disambiguation); Relentlessness; Relentlessly; Unrelenting; Unrelented; Persisting; Persisted; Persists; Persistently; Persistantly

1. <programming> A property of a programming language where created objects and variables continue to exist and retain their values between runs of the program. 2. <hardware> The length of time a phosphor dot on the screen of a cathode ray tube will remain illuminated after it has been energised by the electron beam. Long-persistence phosphors reduce flicker, but generate ghost-like images that linger on screen for a fraction of a second. (1994-11-09)
1) to display, show persistence
2) dogged persistence
3) persistence in
4) the persistence to + inf. (will you have the persistence to stick it out?)
If you have persistence, you continue to do something even though it is difficult or other people are against it.
Skill comes only with practice, patience and persistence...
= perseverance
The persistence of something, especially something bad, is the fact of its continuing to exist for a long time. expression of concern at the persistence of inflation and high interest rates.
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Persistence may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para persistence
1. Persistence.
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
2. persistence.
3. Persistence.
Design as Optimism _ William McDonough _ Talks at Google
4. Persistence.
A Musical Journey Through The Years _ Hariharan _ Talks at Google
5. Persistence.
Shark Tales _ Barbara Corcoran _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de persistence
1. The ascent requires physical fitness, determination and persistence.
2. The most generous description of what followed might be persistence.
3. As with Lawson, his calm persistence won the day.
4. Debt burden is a major risk factor for persistence.
5. His persistence could beat many horses beyond recognition.